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Observed data
Quick Overview
Heart rate
Oxygen pulse
Max Blood Pressure
Cycle ergometer/ Ramp protocol / Linear regression (weight), stratified by sex.
Cooper et al. Weight (1984).
Cycle ergometer / Ramp protocol / Linear regression (height), stratified by sex.
Cooper et al. Height (1984).
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Quadratic regression stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Linear regression stratified by sex.
Harkel et al. (2011)
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Quadratic regression stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Heart rate
Unreliable non data-derived formula commonly used a universal standard.
Standard 220 - age
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Linear regression (age) stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Oxygen pulse
Cycle ergometer / Ramp protocol / Linear regression (height), stratified by sex.
Wasserman (2012) from Cooper et al (1984).
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Quadratic regression stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Cycle ergometer / Ramp protocol / Linear regression (weight), stratified by sex.
Cooper et al. Height (1984).
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Linear regression (age) stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Quadratic regression stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Linear regression (age) stratified by sex.
Akkerman et al. (2016)
Max Blood Pressure
Cycle ergometer/Godfrey protocol/LMS Method.
Kaafarani, Schroer, Takken, et al. (2017)
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Linear regression (age) stratified by sex.
Harkel et al. (2011)
Cycle ergometer / Godfrey protocol / Linear regression (age) stratified by sex.
Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Formula: Cooper et al. Weight (1984).
Reference: TBongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Formula: Cooper et al. Height (1984).
Reference: Cooper DM, Weiler-Ravell D (1984) Gas exchange response to exercise in children. Am Rev Respir Dis 129(2 Pt 2):S47–S48.
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: Bongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Formula: Harkel et al. (2011)
Reference: Ten Harkel AD, Takken T, Van Osch-Gevers M, et al. Normal values for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in children. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2011;18:48—54
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: Bongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Heart rate
Formula: Standard 220 - age
Reference: Wasserman K. Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation. 5th edition. Philadelphia, PA. Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012.
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: Bongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Oxygen pulse
Formula: Wasserman (2012) from Cooper et al (1984).
Reference: Wasserman K. Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation. 5th edition. Philadelphia, PA. Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012. Modified from: Cooper DM, Weiler-Ravell D, Whipp BJ, et al. Growth-related changes in oxygen uptake and heart rate during progressive exercise in children. Pediatr Res. 1984;18:845–851.
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: Bongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Formula: Cooper et al. Height (1984).
Reference: Cooper DM, Weiler-Ravell D (1984) Gas exchange response to exercise in children. Am Rev Respir Dis 129(2 Pt 2):S47–S48
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: Bongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: Bongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.
Formula: Akkerman et al. (2016)
Reference: Akkerman M, van Brussel M, Bongers BC, Hulzebos EH, Helders PJ, Takken T (2010) Oxygen uptake efficiency slope in healthy children. Pediatr Exerc Sci 22(3):431–441
Max Blood Pressure
Formula: Kaafarani, Schroer, Takken, et al. (2017)
Reference: Kaafarani M, Schroer C, Takken T. Reference values for blood pressure response to cycle ergometry in the first two decades of life: Comparison with patients with a repaired coarctation of the aorta. 2017.
Formula: Harkel et al. (2011)
Reference: Ten Harkel AD, Takken T, Van Osch-Gevers M, et al. Normal values for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in children. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2011;18:48—54
Formula: Bongers, Takken et al. (2014)
Reference: TBongers BC, Hulzebos HJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing: in relation to sex and age. Hertogenbosch: Uitgeverij BOXPress; 2014.